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Oct 8, 2019

How are you? (6th Grade)

Applications to learn vocabulary and grammar!

Oct 4, 2019

Sep 18, 2019

English everywhere: transparent words!

Apr 12, 2019

Freedom Fighters

Freedom Fighters
From E for English 3°

Complementary ressources


Martin Luther King Jr's early life

A brief biography of Martin Luther King
From E for English 3°


Feb 26, 2019

The sounds of the Alphabet

A collection of songs and videos to practice the sounds of English. 


The alphabet

Songs to learn and practice the alphabet


Apps to practice the alphabet.

 Sort the letters according to their sound
Practice your spelling

Feb 19, 2019

Segregation, "Seperate but Equal"

"Separate but equal"
From E for English 3ème, Ed. DIDIER

Feb 18, 2019

The Problem we all live with

The problem we all live with - Norman Rockwell, 1963 

Video ressources to learn more about the painting 

Ruby Briges visits the president and her painting

A "tour" of the painting by the Norman Rockwell musuem